Saturday, December 24, 2005

Sometimes I guess there just arent enough rocks

Bless the human mind for remembering. Bless it more for being able to forget, wiping some events off the memory slates, as if they had never happened. Then all that is left are slight traces and recollections of an afternoon sun ready to settle outside the window and a dark room beyond it. All that is left then to haunt you for the rest of your life is the dark room and its demons. But bless the mind of this 8 year old who hasnt been able to remember anymore ever since.


word salad said...

ah! now u can easily open the door n walk out into the well illuminated corridor outside the room!!! :D

Faith said...


Anonymous said...

I just want to go flip on the lights and tell them all to go to hell and then slam the door in their faces. I don't get why people mess with children. Thank God that eight year old is old enough now to shut that door and move on with her/his life.