Monday, November 13, 2006

Technicolor hunger!

Exams in two days... the count down begins... :D lets hope for the best. Will post some more after 18th during my viva break. Till then, today's funny is:

Sana: I woke up and was really hungry. I didn't understand why till I remembered dreaming about eating Khalaz dahi phulkiz.


Aya said...

The very best of luck to you for the exams sohnii!

Let it be a secret between you & me. said...

best of luck…

Anonymous said...


Tumhara apna masti-boy

ordered-chaos said...

The cat below is adorable.My cat died today :(

Baraka said...

Hope they went brilliantly :)

Aya said...

Aren't you done with your exams?Hope they are going/went well!