Sunday, February 26, 2006

I first saw you a few years ago, and thought you were oh-so-good-looking and fine
I waited for something else to appear.
A wicked sense of humor maybe...
kick-ass attitude...
or a little character perhaps… ???
anything that could support your physical perfection…

So I waited..
And waited..
And waited…

I cant believe that **this**is all there is to you…
I cant believe how disappointed I am…
oh well..


SR said...

i want to kill you for voicing all i want to say.

i mean, what the hell man. :|

exactly what i've been thinking since some days.

Faith said...

lol... haan bas... see, why dont good looking guys understand this theory... he he... love having u back yarrr... :D

Aisha said...

Is this a song?

Casablanca said...

Oh, but I have, thankfully, met good looking guys who have more than just looks. A dying breed... but we can still find some. Look harder ;)

mahnoor said...

aye haye. but there's more to me... just you wait and see... =P