Monday, December 25, 2006

Ok so let's be honest!

Beautiful Stranger (over at Freak's Corner) tagged me, so here goes,

Six Weird things about me (unleash the craziness):

1) I do a happy dance whenever Im... well... happy. Also there is the happy/excited clapping when for some/whatever reason, I cannot execute my happy dance.
2) I eat rice with Naan.
3) I start laughing while telling a joke. In the middle. Before I get to the punch line. Most of the times I never even get to the punch line. The joke is just so bloody funny inside my head.
4) I snort coke in reverse. Also sprite. The coke mentioned is not the “coke” coke, but Coca cola coke. Drinking and driving is very dangerous. In my case, drinking and laughing together is very very dangerous. I cant laugh and swallow my drink at the same time, so it comes out of my nose instead. So if you get me laughing while I'm drinking something, I can do a whole show for you, with me coughing and snorting my drinking out. Yes I'm disgusting too. Its a rare talent I highly treasure.
5) I'm told, I used to sleep walk and talk a lot. Key word is used to. Most of it involved, getting up in the middle of the night and getting ready for school. Then one of my sisters or my mum would make me change my uniform and drag me to bed. What can I say. I loved school. :D
6) I use a lot of blanko while writing and stuff. I think I have OCD. I have this overwhelming need for my writing to be symmetrical, neat and tidy. Yes, I am crazy.

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