Thursday, September 08, 2005

I think we do ourselves great injustice when we do not allow oursleves to feel... something that could open our minds and hearts to amazing possibilities... something that could enrich our lives beyond imagination... something that could perhaps be the best thing that ever happened to us...

I think we do oursleves great injustice when we do not allow ourselves to feel love.
Just because we think we are so much better or could do so much better than the person on the recieving/giving end of that love

1 comment:

Aisha said...

I see that a lot, good guys/girls and the other just isn't even opening their hearts or eyes to see what they have before them.

Some people though don't feel love because they're too scared to. By loving you leave yourself vulnerable. You put your heart on the table giving them the power to lift your heart and love it back, or crush it. It's not easy for everyone to be so vulnerable and open their hearts to love.