Sunday, September 11, 2005

Today, Allah, I wish for patience...

when people push all my wrong buttons,
when they get on my nerves,
when they act obnoxious and arrogant,
Allah, grant me patience so I can hold my tongue.

when my best intentions are met with hostile undue reactions,
when I get a pile of crap hurled my way for being who I am and for standing on my principles,
when people walk all over me, taking advantage of the fact that I have been taught not to reply back,
Allah, grant me patience so I dont bite their heads off.

when all my hard work has had no effect,
when my time is running out,
when all I can think of doing now is giving up on it and sinking further into my glum pit,
Allah, grant me patience so I can hold on a little longer.

Tomorrow maybe ill ask for a Mercedes Benz... :D
but today, i would just like a good dose of Patience.

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