Sunday, October 22, 2006

Mahnoorie tagged me ages ago. Since Im too pooped to come up with an original post right now, here is the me-me…

I am thinking about... My school friends.

I said... Some stuff that actually got noticed and, surprisingly, appreciated. Woo hoo! To being genuine.

I should… Study.

I want to...You'd kill me if I said Travel one more time, right? Lol, yeah, thought so. So I want to not study. Want and should are too very different things.

I wish... there were more hours in a day. Plus I wish I was more motivated. And also, I wish things with my school friends would go back to the way they were before.

I miss... School life (yeah, lots of school life references here. Will justify that with a separate post. Sigh. Long and *sad* story.)

I hear...Voices in my head. Defining emphysema. On repeat.

I wonder... If i'll ever be skinny enough.

I regret... My school friends group breaking up.

I am... Not very good at being coherent and eloquent. Ever. What my brain thinks and what comes out of my mouth are two very different things.

I dance... To TV commercials music. While walking. Only in front of my sisters and occasionally Mum.

I sing... To torture people.

I everything. I cry during movies, reading books, when I am sad, when I am angry. At everything.

I am not always... In a good mood (ha! Lol, yes, see even I am admitting it. I am a PMSing bitch sometimes too… which is a joke all by itself… lol, no sorry, cant explain.)

I write... Like I think. Incoherently. But my writing isnt half bad :D mum loves it anyway :P Shut up, Chicki, no one asked your opinion.

I confuse... Myself. Confession: Im a very very confused person.

I need... To motivate myself to study more. Im brilliant ;D Im not kidding about that. But that's when I study decently. Sigh, damn you, low will power.

I should try... to study more? Lol.

I finish... Lol? Hm… lemme think, every stupid novel that I pick up to read. I never leave a book in between.

I tag… Yay! Time to torture everybody else to do it.
Since Mahnoorie's the one who tagged me, I tag my other usuals…
TP (female, see Im even giving you stuff to write about :P wake up, before I give your blog CPR)
And a brand new entry to my usuals… Aya


SR said...

go check my goddamn blog. :P

Aisha said...

I've done this one a while back! :) But i'm about to do your other one now.