Saturday, July 30, 2005

Humor me…

Sometime back, I commented that to make a relationship work, you have to be more accepting of your-not-so-perfect-better-half. You have to compromise a lot, and that too willingly and happily, you have to learn to meet him halfway.
For all that I did rant on about previously, I forgot to mention one small detail. Humor. (Read: funny)
I love Humor, laughter and the whole package. I’ll be the one with a 24/7 smile. I’ll be the one kidding about everything from deathly serious to insanely… well insanely insane. The thing being, I cant function otherwise. He has to have it for me to able to stay happy and sane with him. There cant be any compromise on that, I’m afraid. Now I don’t want Jay Leno to drop out of the sky for me. Am not a big fan of him, waisey bi, but yeah… I need to laugh a lot… its like Vitamin supplements, something I cant function without. I need to joke about things that actually worry the hell out of me. I need to joke about them to take their edge off, to be able to view them rationally. I need to joke incessantly to make it through the daily drudgery of life. To remind myself that life might be a shit-hole if I let it be… only and only if I let it be. I joke to stop it from becoming that.
So Mr. Funny has to be him.
Not the clown funny. But funny-funny. The type who wont think of me as a 12 yr-old retard kid if I laugh at almost everything (which I admit, I do, most of the time). The type who wont look at Johnny Bravo and wonder what the hell is so amusing about him that makes me want to sit and watch cartoons ( I mean, seriously!! Its Johnny Bravo…. THE Johnny Bravo… or have you not heard).
Who understands the need to laugh, to smile, to joke about things in life to make it through. Who likes laughing insanely, madly… without any reason. Who smiles at things, just because they remind him of people, places or events. Who in fact, wont even need a reason to smile. Who will smile and laugh through life, just because that is his way.
Cuz that is who he is.

1 comment:

word salad said...

u know wht..i just realized something..u want a good friend in ur prince charming...
cuz all these qualities r in me , and i think u make friends who have these qualities..n that's why u want someone with the same qualities, cuz u're comfortable with them